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Bucks Radio Chill

10:00pm - Midnight

  • Jamline 01296 929929
  • What's App 07760 799212

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Hands To Heaven

Bucks Radio

Bucks Radio is the new sound of Buckinghamshire, aiming to bring local radio back to the county. We've been overwhelmed by the support we've received so far, and are looking forward to becoming a part of Bucks life.

Between them, our team have been working, and broadcasting, in the area for over 40 years, so we understand what matters to you.

Right now we're broadcasting online, via smart speakers and app, meaning you can take us with you wherever you go. We have the latest news, weather and travel, and loads of community information, including our free What's On Guide and features like Charity of the Month.

We're supporting local business, and have a variety of advertising and sponsorship packages available, and are happy to talk about bespoke competitions and partnerships. 

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