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The Nightshift

Midnight - 7:00am

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Red Hot Chili Peppers

Zephyr Song

Heart of Bucks


Heart of Bucks is the community foundation for Buckinghamshire; a funding organisation awarding grants and loans to support essential local charities and community groups.

Community foundations are dedicated to improving the lives of people in a defined local geographical area. We bring together the financial resources of individuals, families, and businesses to support effective non-profits in their communities.

One of the strengths of Heart of Bucks is our unique understanding of the needs of Buckinghamshire. Through research and outreach work we ensure that funding reaches those who need it most and can use it effectively.

As one of the largest non-statutory funders in the county, together with our donors, we have supported more than 3,500 community organisations since our first grant payment in 2000. To date, we have distributed over £10m in grants and loans across Buckinghamshire.

We are part of a network of 47 community foundations across the UK, all striving to help people and organisations invest in their communities.

Every three years Heart of Bucks undergoes an independent quality accreditation as part of our membership of UK Community Foundations. We are also registered with the Fundraising Regulator.

Visit Heart of Bucks for more details (external website)

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