Parents in Bucks have been finding out which primary school their child will be attending in September.
Figures published today, Monday 17 April, show that overall, 98% of children in both Reception and Junior schools were offered one of their preference schools this year.
90% of children starting Reception received their top choice allocation, with 96% of families getting their first choice of Junior school. All children who expressed preferences in the Reception and Junior allocation rounds have been offered a school place in Buckinghamshire.
Anita Cranmer, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said:
"I am pleased to see so many children being offered a place at their first choice of school this year. Starting or changing schools can be intimidating for many families, and we believe that every parent and carer knows what is best for their child. I am proud to say that we have been able to offer most children their preferred schools, where they can continue their education and reach their full potential."
In total 6912 children were allocated places in Reception classes and 1750 children have been allocated places in Junior schools.
5.88% of children got their second-choice Reception preference and 1.33% received their third preference. In Junior school allocations, 1.68% got their second-choice placement and 0.06% were give their third choice. Further allocations will be made in the summer term when late applications will be processed.