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Aylesbury High School students receive letters of praise after helping injured man in need

Five students at Aylesbury High School have been personally thanked for helping an injured man on their Duke of Edinburgh expedition last month. 

Lucy, Georgia, Liliana, Avni and Katie found the man on the floor in pain and helped him with his pain and made him comfortable while further assistance came. 

Lucy told us about the incident:

"We were walking along the trail when we came across a man and his son with their bikes beside them. The son was on the phone while the man laid on his back clutching his wrist in pain, we decided to ask if we could help as we had a grid reference and painkillers.

As we were getting the painkillers out of the bag another pair of cyclists came along the path and stopped to help. Luckily one of them happened to be a physiotherapist and began to help the man support his wrist which later turned out to be broken while we let him rest his head on one of our bags.

After a while the man's wife arrived at the top of the hill so they helped him to the car while we watched their bikes, afterwards the physiotherapist thanked us and we continued with our walk."

The injured man and his friend were so grateful for their help, they wrote a letter into the school to thank the girls for helping him.

The letter sent into the school from his friend:

'I would like to offer my thanks to a group of young ladies who were on their Duke of E near Dunsmore around 1030/1100 Sunday 13th.
I was on a mountain bike ride with my best friend and his son when my friend had an accident and hurt his wrist.

The girls came across us very shortly after and I have to say were a huge credit to both themselves, AHS and their parents.
My friend was in a great deal of discomfort and subsequently we discovered he suffered a bad break requiring surgery.

The girls were hugely helpful, caring and attentive - they were able to offer a first aid kit with pain killers and with one young lady offering her rucksack to support my friends head - they hung about til we were able to get my friend off to A&E
I hope you can identify the girls, please pass on my huge thanks to the girls and let them know despite having a plate put into his wrist my friend will be back on his bike asap.' 

The letter sent into school from the injured man:

'Earlier this week my friend contacted you regarding an accident I had whilst mountain biking near Dunsmore and the help offered by a group of girls from your school who were on their Duke Of Edinburgh experience.

I understand you have subsequently identified them as Lucy, Georgia, Liliana, Avni and Katie and I wonder if you could please pass on my personal thanks and gratitude for everything they did to help me that morning.

I was in a great deal of pain, however the girls kindness, offer of a first aid kit and painkillers amongst other things and general willingness to help in any way they could was very comforting to me at the time.

As has been said previously, they are a credit to themselves and the AHS.

Thank you again!'

The girls told us how happy they are to receive such lovely messages:

"They've made us feel proud and we're really grateful for all the recognition we've got, and its been nice to relieve text messages from family and friends as well."

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