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Aylesbury school girl puts best foot forward for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity

Abigail models her NOT The Midnight Walk T-Shirt with her Dad

Abigail Dean will join hundreds of walkers from 5am on Saturday morning for NOT The Midnight Walk, supporting the charity who delivered care to her Great Nan.

Abigail, from Berryfields, can't wait for her early morning alarm on Saturday so she can head off on her 5 mile walk.

She told us why early alarms don't phase her:

"Well it's going to be pretty normal, because at home we have two kittens, Oreo and cookie, who always start meowing at that time!"

The route shouldn't be too testing for her - Abigail loves fitness and exercise, and does the Junior Parkrun on a Sunday. She is only 6 runs away from doing 100, and told us;

"I just really love walking! And I can't wait to see other people doing the walk. We will also pass my Nanny's house!"

The charity say if everyone taking part in the walk raises £170, it will be enough to fund the services for ONE MONTH.




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