The aim of the new route is to improve north-south connectivity in Bucks, by easing the heavy congestion on the A355 corridor and London End roundabout making this new section of road a key strategic scheme. It will also provide a more suitable route for HS2 construction traffic.
The relief road will connect to the existing road network through a new junction at Maxwell Road at the northern end, and with the Pyebush Roundabout and the A40 at the southern end.
Work to install directional signage on the route will be completed in the next two weeks.
Richard Harrington, CEO of Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “We are delighted to see this Bucks LEP supported road scheme, with £6.05m Local Growth Funding, completed which will improve the resilience and performance of Buckinghamshire’s local highway network, and enhance strategic north/south connectivity for the county.”
Richard added: “Without these necessary improvements to road infrastructure there is a risk that the county could be put at a disadvantage in terms of transport access across the county and the knock-on effects to economic growth.”