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Buckingham School plants a tree for the jubilee

Children and staff from George Grenville Academy [Photo Credit: Campfire Education Trust]

Children from George Grenville Academy in Buckingham have taken part in a special tree planting ceremony to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

The oldest and youngest pupils at the school planted a beech sapling as part of the national "Queen's Green Canopy" project.

The project, which is an initiative created to mark the monarch’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, invites people from across the United Kingdom to "Plant a Tree for the Jubilee."

Staff and children gathered for the event on 17th December, and watched as the sapling was given its new home.

The whole school community will be looking after the tree – and children will measure it each year to observe how it grows.

Head teacher Emma Killick said: "It is so important to take part in these events. The children can learn about how to care for the world around us, and also do something they will remember in years to come to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee."

Ms. Killick added that the project would also inspire the children to learn more about how we can look after our green spaces, forests and woodlands.

Find out more about George Grenville Academy by visiting

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