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Bucks Radio Chill

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Bucks Council launch planning application for 100 homes in Stoke Mandeville

Bucks Council have submitted a planning application to build up to 100 new homes on the site of the former County Council Sports and Social Club in Stoke Mandeville.

The application includes at least 30% affordable housing, a bigger percentage than the required amount for new development sites.

IIn addition to the new housing, the proposed scheme claims to provide green open space, children’s play facilities, and a new road that links Booker Park School with Lower Road.

John Chilver, Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources explained: “This site has never been open to the public. Since the sports and social club closed in 2017 it has lain empty. We are proposing a new development which will transform this disused and defunct land into an attractive and multi-functional space which will benefit the whole community.

The outline planning application will go before the council’s Strategic Sites Planning Committee for decision with Stakeholders and local people also able to feed in views on the plans as part of this process. 


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