Bucks Council are reviewing their Buckinghamshire Education Strategy and want to hear your views on what they should prioritise for 2022 to 2027.
The aim of this consultation is to ensure families and education professionals are able to contribute their ideas on how the Education Strategy should be developed and what its key priorities should be, particularly in light of recent events which have had a huge impact on the education of our children and young people.
They are hosting three online sessions, using Microsoft Teams, for you to find out more about the draft Education Strategy.
The sessions will be held on:
- Monday 7 March from 2pm to 3pm
- Tuesday 8 March from 7pm to 8pm
- Wednesday 16 March from 9am to 10am
In each session, The council will cover how the draft Strategy has been developed so far, what each of the priority areas cover and listen to feedback which will help us to shape the final version of the Strategy.
To sign up for one of these online sessions, email with the session you would like to attend to engageeducation@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.
You can also email any questions before your online session.
You can share your views in one of the following ways:
- Complete the online survey using the link https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/schools/education-strategy-2022/consultation/subpage.2022-02-03.8190369553/
- Complete, and return, a printed version of the survey (PDF 0.25MB)
- Email at engageeducation@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
If you have any questions about this consultation, you can email engageeducation@buckinghamshire.gov.uk or phone on 0300 131 6000.
Please tell us your views by midnight on Monday 28 March 2022.