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Bucks Fire and Rescue Service requires improvement, inspection finds

Bucks Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) requires improvement across all areas, the latest inspection report reveals.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) last week published the report from inspections which took place during the summer.

BFRS has been graded as “Requires Improvement” across all three pillars of the inspectorate’s methodology, which are effectiveness, efficiency, and people.

The Service was however graded as “Good” at responding to major and multi-agency incidents.

A particular concern was noted regarding the approach to equality, diversity and inclusion. The report stated: “Equality, diversity and inclusion doesn’t appear to be a priority for the service.

“Its policies and action plans in this area are limited and it relies on its staff to keep themselves informed and resolve issues locally. It needs to do more to engage with both its equality, diversity and inclusion working group and with external networks to inform this area.

“It should particularly focus on its promotions process and how it develops future leaders.”

The Chief Fire Officer (CFO) Jason Thelwell responded to the report by saying: “BFRS has come a long way in the short period since our first inspection, and this has been against a continuously difficult financial landscape, during a global pandemic which has tested us all.

“This has only been possible because of the excellent people who work at BFRS, who strive to do their best for this Service, every day.

“Whilst the pressures of Covid-19 have not diminished and will continue to demand our time and resourcing when supporting our partners to deliver the accelerated Covid-19 vaccination booster programme, we will take the opportunity to extract the learning from this report, and if we haven’t done so already, look at ways in which we can address them in our service priorities and objectives.”

Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service receives around 16,000 calls for assistance every year, of which about 7,000 are emergency incidents. It has 19 stations and 30 fire engines.

The full report can be read here.

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