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Bucks, Oxon and Berks West health board meet today

The first board meeting of 2023 will take place for the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) is holding its first Board meeting of 2023 today. 

The agenda for the 10am to 1pm session can be found here.

Among the discussion topics is the Performance and Quality Dashboard which has found urgent and emergency care is under extreme pressure. 

However, it also identifies cancer care as a significant area of concern for BOB, with waiting times a particular issue. 

Other topics that will be discussed include the Draft Integrated Care Strategy and the ICB response to that.

When agreed this strategy will be used to inform the development of the Joint Forward Plan and how NHS resources should be prioritised. 

The meeting will also consider questions from the public related to the agenda items. 

The event will be livestreamed from 10am via this link.

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