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Changes to bin collection dates for upcoming bank holidays

Residents in Buckinghamshire are being reminded to double check their refuse and recycling bin collections dates over coming weeks, due to upcoming bank holidays.

As usual, during weeks with a bank holiday, there will be some changes to normal collection schedules across all parts of the county. To ensure residents don't miss their collection due to these changes, the council is reminding everyone to check the revised dates for their area.

Gareth Williams, Buckinghamshire Council's Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, explained:

"Everyone enjoys this time of year, when bank holidays for Easter, May Day and the end of May Spring Bank Holiday give most of us some extra time to enjoy with family and friends. And this year we have the bonus of an extra bank holiday, as part of the celebrations for the King's Coronation.

"As a result of so many bank holidays falling throughout April and May, it means our regular refuse and recycling collection schedule will need to be altered over this period. This means that for every resident there will be some temporary changes to note. Our crews will be working extended hours at times, to keep these changes to a minimum. That will include some Saturday collections, so it really is vital that residents check our website and social media to find out what the changes are in their area, so they know the correct day to put out their bins."

Find out more on Buckinghamshire Council's website.

In addition to the bin collection changes, the opening hours at all Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) across the county move to summer opening hours of 9am to 6pm from Saturday 1 April.

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