As this week is national Challenge Poverty Week, Citizens Advice Bucks is one of many organisations using the week to speak up against poverty.
Many of us may not think Buckinghamshire has an issue with poverty, but Thalia Jervis, Chief Executive for Citizens Advice spoke to bucks radio, and told us about the divides which still play out in our county.
"We are overall, if you take us on average, a fairly affluent county but that does hide some pockets of real deprivation. For many of us just down the road there are people who are really struggling to get by."
She is also keen to spread awareness of the different types of poverty, it doesn't always have to mean you have no money...
"I think people often think being poor as not really being able to afford want you want or to buy things, but when we think about poverty it's about not having oppurtinites in life, so clients who come to us may not be able to put food on the table, but they also may not have access or afford a mobile phone, which makes it hard for them to apply for employment."
The charity are always open to volunteers who want to help those in poverty in the local area, to find out more about volunteering, visit https://citizensadvicebucks.org.uk/support-us/volunteering2021
Thalia also has thanked everyone who works at Citizens Advice Bucks for their hard work during the pandemic to help people in poverty in Bucks.