Buckinghamshire Council has launched a consultation on a supplementary planning document (SPD) that, once finalised, will inform the planning and development decisions for Shenley Park, located in the parish of Whaddon on the edge of Milton Keynes.
Shenley Park was identified as a site for growth in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2011-2031 (VALP) adopted in 2021, and the SPD under consultation sets out a clear framework and principles for the development of the site, expanding on the policy objectives set out in the VALP.
Peter Strachan, Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, said: "This supplementary planning document sets out in detail the expectations and requirements for the important new development at Shenley Park. It will allow us to ensure that the new neighbourhood provides high quality homes together with the amenities and infrastructure to meet the needs and aspirations of new and existing residents.
"It's important that we get it right, which is why I'm asking individuals and organisations with an interest in the area to look at the draft document and give us their views through the consultation."
The consultation is open until midnight on Wednesday 11 October. To take part, please visit: buckinghamshire.gov.uk/shenley-park
Buckinghamshire Council is also hosting a public drop-in session for people to find out more about the proposals. The drop-in session will be held on Wednesday 6 September from 2pm to 8pm at Whaddon Jubilee Hall, Stock Lane, Whaddon, MK17 0LS. For those who are unable to attend the event, the display material and a short presentation will be available to view on the council's website after the event.
If you have any questions about this consultation, please email:planningpolicyteam.bc@buckinghamshire.gov.uk