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Emma Caldwell

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Consultation opens on detailed guidance for the redevelopment of RAF Halton

Buckinghamshire Council has launched a consultation on a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that, once finalised, will inform the planning and development decisions for RAF Halton near Wendover once it ceases to be a military base in 2027.

RAF Halton was identified as a site for growth in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2011-2031 (VALP) which was adopted in 2021. Buckinghamshire Council has worked with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (part of the Ministry of Defence) to develop a clear framework and principles for the development of the site as it transfers from military to residential use. These are set out in the SPD, which expands on the objectives previously set out in the VALP.

Peter Strachan, Buckinghamshire Council's Cabinet Member for Planning & Regeneration, said:

"The closure of RAF Halton offers an excellent opportunity for the development, largely on brownfield land, of a high-quality residential neighbourhood with associated infrastructure, services and facilities including a primary school, a new local centre and enhanced green spaces.

"This Supplementary Planning Document sets out in detail the expectations and requirements for the development. It will allow us to ensure that the new neighbourhood meets the needs and aspirations of both new residents and people living in the surrounding area. But this is still a draft document, so I'd like to invite individuals and organisations with an interest in this local area to take part in the consultation and give us their views and suggestions. These will be used to help us draw up the document's final form."

The consultation is open from now until Monday 4 March. To take part, please go to:

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