As motorists in the county continue to battle potholes, Buckinghamshire Highways has taken delivery of a different type of vehicle to help make improvements quicker and easier.
Used by many councils across the country, the Pothole Pro is a time-saving, three-in-one vehicle designed to make pothole repairs faster. First it cuts into the road surface where a pothole has appeared, it crops the perimeter of the hole neatly to allow a watertight repair, and then it brushes away and collects the debris afterwards. Highways teams just need to lay and compact asphalt into the prepared hole to complete the repair.
The benefits of using such a vehicle are speed but also that operators are safely in their cab, with no risk of the use of vibrating hand tools affecting their hands or fingers.
Cabinet Member for Transport, Councillor Steven Broadbent said: “I joined the crew training on the Pothole Pro last week and was impressed with the potential of the machine and the speed the crew picked up the skills to operate the machine safely. This is just one of a number of tools we will be using to invest in and improve our roads. Whilst the machine won’t be able to access everywhere or fix all types of defects it has great potential as another option we can use on our road network.”
Although potholes can occur at any time of the year, it is late winter and early spring where the weather can have a massive impact on the number of potholes forming and there is an increase in the number of potholes on the county’s roads after heavy rain followed by freezing temperatures.
Buckinghamshire Highways carries out regular inspections of the highway network by dedicated staff to ensure potholes and other defects are identified and repaired in a timely manner, keeping the highway safe. Problems on the roads and footways of Buckinghamshire should also continue to be reported using Fix My Street.