From today (1st March) until Sunday 28th March, Bucks Council are inviting residents to share their views and comments on the proposed cycle route plans for the area of Wendover.
The Link to the proposals is here:
The council has secured £500K from HS2 for sustainable travel improvement, as well as adding £60k to ensure the improvements are fit for purpose and meet local need.
The three proposed cycleway routes will:
- create a link from the current Amber Way cycle route on Aylesbury Road to the Railway Stations
- improve the Amber Way cycle route between the Halton Lane junction and Castle Park Road junction
- provide a link to the schools on Wharf Road.
The council's Cabinet Member for Transport, Nick Naylor, is encouraging both cyclists and non-cyclists to give their views and says: “We want to encourage cycling for shorter journeys around Wendover by developing the cycling network. The cycleway proposals we have made will improve access and make it easier for cyclists to get around the town. We plan to install road markings and signage along each route to guide cyclists and make sure all road users are aware of cyclists."
The council is also inviting residents to offer any feedback they have to planners. More information about this and the proposals can be found on the council’s website
To give your view on the proposals either complete the online feedback form or:
- email on
- write at Highways Infrastructure Projects Team, Wendover Cycleways, Buckinghamshire Council, Floor 7, Walton Street Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1UY
To get a printed version of the feedback form, please phone us on 0300 131 6000 or email on