The late shift Road policing crew from Amersham were called out to Lane End following reports of a multi-car road traffic collision.
When they arrived at the scene, what they described as a 'inconsiderate and obnoxious driver' attempted to assault Bucks Fire officers trying to free him from his car, and attempted to assault paramedics.
The driver showed no remorse for his actions, refusing a road side breath test and pretending to be asleep to avoid talking to them. The driver even denied driving the car he had been freed from.
They escorted the driver to WexhamParkHospital where blood specimens were taken for evidential analysis.
This driver took up the valuable time of two fire pumps from two different counties, a medical first responder, a SCAS crew, TVP Roads Policing officers and a PCSO; who were on scene for hours, not to mention a much-needed hospital bed.
Police are urging people to NOT drink and drive, and think about the impact on emergency services and NHS
Driving whilst impaired through alcohol is one of the #fatal4 reasons why people are killed or seriously injured in collisions.