It's a chance to find out more about the proposed project that aims to achieve a renewables-ready electricity network on land near East Claydon Substation.
The exhibition is taking place at East and Botolph Claydon Village Hall on Wednesday 19th March from 3pm – 8pm.
Statkraft, the company behind the project, say "Greener Grid Parks, including the one proposed at East Claydon will help achieve a renewables-ready network. As renewable energy generation increases across Great Britain, new ways to maintain system stability are required".
"Should East Claydon Greener Grid Park get planning consented it will include two types of technology to support grid stability – a Battery Energy Storage System and Synchronous Compensators.
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) capture and store energy for future use. Synchronous Compensators are large electrical machines with flywheels which can replace the spinning turbines of a traditional power station but without emitting any carbon dioxide".
A virtual exhibition providing the same information as the in-person exhibition, and the opportunity to leave comments and feedback, will be available here (external link), where you can also find out more about Greener Grid Parks.