A former Thames Valley Police officer has been accused of failing to declare their relationship with a man involved in crime, and of accessing police records improperly.
The former officer, who has not been named by Thames Valley Police, is to face a misconduct hearing on January 22.
The officer is accused of having ‘behaved in a manner which discredits the police service and would undermine public confidence in it’.
Accusations against the officer say that they failed to declare their relationship with a man named only as ‘Male A’ and that they ‘failed to disclose your knowledge of Male A’s involvement with criminality’.
The accusations say the officer continued to fail to make these declarations ‘until 5 July 2022 and 27 February 2023, respectively’.
Accusations also say the officer ‘accessed police records without a policing purpose’ on December 2, 2019 and May 21, 2020.
The accusations say the officer ‘failed to treat information with respect and did not access information only in the proper course of police duties’.
They add: “You were not honest in your vetting declarations and failed to act with integrity which thereby compromised your position.”
A notice of the hearing says the charges are so serious that they amount to gross misconduct.
The hearing is set to take place at Thames Valley Police’s headquarters in Kidlington, Oxfordshire.