It may be a long time away yet, but Bucks Council are already working towards a number of projects that will enable the community to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and provide a legacy for future generations.
The Queen will be celebrating her Platinum Jubilee on the Thursday 2 June 2022. This occasion marks 70 years on the throne and offers up exciting opportunities for the residents of Buckinghamshire to celebrate both the extended bank holiday (2 to 5 June 2022) and in the run up to it.
In particular, the Council are focusing on supporting The Queen's Green Canopy (QGC). The Queens Green Canopy is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark the occasion which invites people from across the United Kingdom to "Plant a Tree for the Jubilee".
In support of the Jubilee they will:
- offer a free tree to every school, care home and nursery in the county as part of the "plant a tree for the Jubilee" scheme (to date 234 organisations have taken up this offer)
- develop tree planting guidance for community groups including advice for planting on highways land
- work towards our aim of planting over 500,000 trees over the next 10 years and producing the Woodland Creation Design Plans for phase 1 of the project
- ensure that our Community Boards are supporting their local communities to celebrate both the environment and the Jubilee
- encourage schools to celebrate the Jubilee through projects such as veteran tree appreciation, creative art installations and inter-generational planting activities
Get involved
To get involved in celebrations you can:
- explore the Free Tree's for Schools and Communities scheme run by the Woodland's Trust
- hold a picnic or barbecue with family, friends and neighbours for the Big Jubilee Lunch on 5 June 2022
- create a celebration plant display inspired by the Jubilee
- have a tree party to honour a local tree- this can include a tea party or outdoor painting
- contact your local Community Board to find out what they are planning or suggest ideas