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Hairdresser to run London Marathon for autism charity

Lauren's four sons

A hairdresser from High Wycombe is set to run the London Marathon this weekend to raise money for the National Autistic Society, after three of her children were diagnosed with the condition.

Lauren Davy has four sons – Jacob, born in 2015 and triplets Joshua, Joseph and Harry, born in 2017.

Alarm bells first started to ring for Lauren and her husband when they noticed that Jacob wasn’t hitting his key developmental milestones, and at four-years-old he was diagnosed with autism.

Lauren says that “history felt like it was repeating itself” when Joseph and Harry also began to miss developmental milestones and subsequently in 2021, they too were diagnosed with autism.

The National Autistic Society has since proved to be a vital source of support, advice and guidance for Lauren.

Regarding Sunday’s 26.2-mile challenge, she said: “I feel hugely privileged to be running the London Marathon for such a great charity and hopefully help them raise some much-needed funds so that they can continue to help other families like mine.”

The National Autistic Society is the leading charity for autistic people and their families in the UK.

You can sponsor Lauren’s run here.

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