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Bucks Radio Chill

10:00pm - Midnight

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Toni Braxton

Breathe Again

Healthwatch Bucks looking for people living with Cancer to share their journey

They want to find out about the experiences of people living with cancer before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

They are keen to speak to people living in particular areas of Buckinghamshire to:

  • provide insight into how they experience cancer services
  • highlight any potential differences in their care
  • contribute to COVID-19 recovery plans for local cancer services.

Interviews will take place via Zoom or telephone.

If you are interested in taking part or have any further questions, contact Community Engagement Project Manager, Victoria.

You can contact Victoria by telephone, email or text message.

Telephone 01844 34 88 39 (please leave a message and she will get back to you)

Text Message Number 07860 033 427


For more information, visit

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