“Well done Buckingham- local councils showing their willingness to engage!”
That's the praise given by media sensation, Jackie Weaver, on Twitter.
She shot to fame last month for her handling of a passionate meeting of Handforth Parish Council and has now reacted to a post about Buckingham Town Council offering zoom meetings to help would-be councillors know more bout the job.
The session, on Monday 8th March at 7pm, is for anyone interested in becoming a Town Councillor and is a great opportunity to learn more about Town Councils, their responsibilities and how Councillors can be involved and supporting and shaping their communities to become better places.
Following on from the National Association of Local Council’s Make A Change campaign, Buckingham Town Council are asking residents whether they would like to make a change in Buckingham, and to consider becoming Councillors to help.
In Buckingham the Town Council is responsible for large areas of parks and green spaces, local events, collaborating with partners to support local residents, businesses and more as well as advocating for the town on matters like planning permission for new homes, the climate emergency and flooding.