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The Heat Is On

Last chance to comment on proposed battery plant in North Bucks

Comments on the proposed development close at 23:59 tonight (19/9/24), with a local opposition group urging residents to take action.

The link to comment on the plans for the Battery Energy Storage System on land near Granborough is below, along with a statement from the Claydons Solar Action Group. They argue the development, along with a proposed Solar plant on nearby land, will be detrimental to the area, businesses and residents in East Claydon, Steeple Claydon, Winslow, Botolph Claydon, Granborough, Quainton and surrounding villages.

Comment using this link (EXTERNAL SITE)

Statement from Claydons Solar Action Group:


Cumulative affect with Statera Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), Statkraft BESS, the larger substation and Rosefield Solar Farm will be enormous.

The new information received that Statera BESS 500MW and now Statkraft 500MW are actually in partnership with each other.


Reducing the size of the proposed site by one field will make a negligible impact to an already ridiculously large proposal.

Reducing the size of the battery storage site shows just how technology is moving on at such a fast pace.

With the new, double the size substation due to be ready in 2030, there is clearly no point in even putting in planning permission as in 5 years when it can be connected to the grid, everything will have moved on even further.



Nothing has been done to address the flooding issue. Disposal of storm water has not been addressed.


Fire hazards not clear - a lot of information but nothing substantial enough to make it clear.

The large shipping containers are changing and changing rapidly. New accessible units are coming from China. Although they contain batteries temperature and gas sensors, a sprinkler system, warning systems and cooling systems, there would need to be more significant requirements re access and water accessibility. There are currently no standards or regulations for these. Clearly these need to be ‘managed’ and there will not be engineering expertise to make judgements. Until government take responsibility for clear standards and regulations, both BESS and Solar applications should be halted.

Although containers may be the most updated ones, there is always the possibility of a fire and this has not been addressed properly. Testing of BESS facilities will not guarantee no fires.

If a fire does occur there would be insufficient water available.

Toxic fumes are extremely dangerous on neighbouring villages either one side or the other depending on the prevailing winds at the time. This WILL affect either Granborough, Winslow and villages or East Claydon, Botolph Claydon, Hogshaw and villages.


Predicted changes to views have still not been addressed sufficiently and will still be clearly seen/heard both during construction and afterwards.


It has been confirmed that there is indeed a constant hum from these units and this will affect anyone who lives close to the BESS together with walkers etc, enjoying the footpaths.


A wildlife survey for just one day on 12th February for 4 hours is clearly not enough for surveying birds and wildlife and should be carried out at different times of the year.


During construction there WILL be a lot of disruption to all the villages around the proposed site/s. This will be 24/7. We all know that although there maybe stipulations as to times allowed, seeing the way HS2 operate, this will not be the case.

Very large lorry’s with shipment containers, and other construction traffic will be a constant nuisance to all areas affecting Granborough, Winslow, The Claydons, Quainton and beyond.

We have approached Statera for their comments.

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