Buckingham Town Council is responsible for maintaining Brackley Road cemetery and as part of its commitment to providing an attractive and safe cemetery for its visitors.
The Town Council is required by law to assess the safety of all memorials in the cemetery. From June 2024 the Town Council will begin inspections on all memorial within the newest section of Brackley Road Cemetery.
Memorial safety testing will be undertaken in an appropriate and sensitive manner. The Town Council would like to stress that if any memorial is found to be unsafe, it will be made temporarily safe with wooden stakes and rubber banding, until it can be repaired by the registered deed holder.
We therefore take this opportunity to ask deed holders of burial plots in the cemetery to update the Town Council with their current address if it has changed since the original burial deed was issued.
Fran Davies, Chair of the Environment Committee says, “Our ongoing program of memorial testing is an important part of the pro-active approach our Green Spaces Team take to the care and maintenance of our cemetery, ensuring that it is a safe and fitting place for everyone who is paying their respects”
The Town Council would be happy to answer any questions about the memorial testing at the cemetery. Please contact: Cemetery Manager - 01280 816801 – Greenspaces@buckingham-tc.gov.uk