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Micro-pigs could be next class pets in Bucks

Waterside Primary Academy/Animal News Agency 

Kew Little Pigs say their project can teach school children vital skills including team work and they hope it’ll have a big impact on how they treat others and animals as they grow up.

Schools across the country are being offered micro-pigs by a breeder in Amersham, to give children ‘an innovative learning scheme’.

The idea of the project is to teach kids team work, responsibility and empathy by looking after the little pigs.

One school in Chesham say it’s been one of the most amazing things they’ve done.

Kew Little Pigs say that schools that have taken part so far have found that pupils blossomed when given the tasks associated with caring for the school pet pigs, and demonstrated a high level of compassion and love for the little porkers.

Olivia Goddard, Year Four Class Teacher at Waterside Primary Academy in Chesham, Bucks, who has been leading the PTA funded piggy project, said:

"This has been one of the most amazing things we have done, not only has it helped the children teaching them responsibility and nurturing, but it also very good with the well-being side too.

"It was wonderful how instantly the children naturally warmed to the pigs, when they go into the pig pen their whole demeanor changes. I am also very impressed that they have not been at all squeamish about picking up the pig poo too!

"The pigs themselves are extremely tame, and when you stroke their bellies they just lie there and smile and close their eyes."

Waterside Primary Academy/ Animal News Agency

Pigs make wonderful pets, and like a dog can be taught tricks such as sit and stay. They are also cheaper than a dog to care for, making them a perfect option for schools and individuals on a budget.

Reputable breeders such as Kew Little Pigs always make sure that new pig owners have all the support and training that they need, and anyone adopting a pig from the Amersham breeder must take part in a pig keeping course before taking them home.

Olivia Mikhail, owner of Kew Little Pigs, which is also a popular family attraction, said:

"We hope that by teaching children the truth about pigs at a young age, and teaching them how to care for a pet, they will grow up to become more empathic and responsible adults.

"We have been so impressed with how all the pupils, carers and teachers have got stuck in with pig keeping so far, and really think that we are onto something with this scheme."

For schools Kew Little Pigs is offering a three for two discount, with each older pig costing a reduced rate of £400 each. There are other discounts too on piglets. Support and advice is also provided throughout the life of the animal, with the farm even offering a babysitting service during holiday times.

To find out more about Kew Little Pigs go to

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