The RSPCA has revealed that it has found loving new homes for more than 14,000 animals in a decade in Buckinghamshire, with the remarkable rehoming feat revealed to mark its 200th birthday in 2024.
The charity has come a long way since 1824 - when founding members of the charity met in a coffee shop in London determined to change
animals’ lives, creating the then SPCA and sparking an animal welfare movement that spread around the world.
Now - as the RSPCA enters its landmark 200th anniversary year - the charity wants to inspire a one million strong movement for animals, as the charity aims to "create a better world for every animal".
Today Buckinghamshire is served by a team of RSPCA rescuers who save animals and investigate cruelty while also offering welfare advice and
help to pet owners in need.
The county is also home to the national RSPCA Blackberry Farm Animal Centre and three independent RSPCA branches - RSPCA Buckinghamshire South Branch, RSPCA Chiltern Branch and the RSPCA and Milton Keynes and North Bucks Branch - who rehabilitate and rehome rescued animals and help animals most in need in the area. These separately registered charities raise money locally to support the
animal welfare work they do.
Many animals will have endured horrendous suffering but with the care of dedicated staff and volunteers they will be helped to recover before
they are found loving homes.
The latest available figures show that in the ten years up until the end of 2022 they have found new homes for a staggering 14,176 animals.