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New cameras to focus on HS2 construction vehicles in Bucks

Two new mobile CCTV cameras will be keeping a close eye on HS2 construction in Bucks over the next five years.

They've been purchased by Buckinghamshire Council who'll be positioning them to check traffic building the high-speed rail project is following approved routes and to review any related incidents.

Ian Thompson, Buckinghamshire Council's Corporate Director for Planning Growth and Sustainability said: "This is a very welcome initiative and we plan to use the cameras in locations being used by HS2 construction traffic where we have the greatest concerns about road safety and the impact on our local communities."

The cameras have initially been positioned at the Keepers Lane junction near Little Missenden on the A413 and the crossroads at the junction of School Hill and Perry Hill at Calvert.

More information, including a schedule of future locations will be published on the Buckinghamshire Council website:

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