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Richard Carr tried out the role but sadly didn't get through to the next round !!

There is still time for you to apply to become Buckingham's new Town Crier. Trials will occur at 12pm at the Flagpole outside Buckingham Community Centre on Saturday 11th March 2023.

The position of Town Crier is an internationally recognised, ancient and honourable position. Buckingham Town Crier is a voluntary post for which Buckingham Town Council acts as appointing body and agent. The Town Crier is a very public ambassador for Buckingham.

There is still time for you to apply to become Buckingham's new Town Crier. Trials will occur at 12pm at the Flagpole outside Buckingham Community Centre on Saturday 11th March 2023. 


Town Crier Trials

Trials for Buckingham's New Town Crier take place at the Flagpole outside Buckingham Community Centre at 12pm on Saturday 11th March 2023.

Participants will be given a pre-written speech to cry and will be judged by the Mayor of Buckingham, Cllr. Margaret Gateley and Lead Councillor of the event, Fran Davies.

If you are interested in becoming Buckingham's new Town Crier, please send completed applications to or by post addressed to Buckingham Town Council, Town Council Offices, Buckingham Library, Verney Close, Buckingham, MK18 1JP. For any additional information, please call our office on 01280 816 426.

It is important that they retain this role for the town; otherwise, this long tradition will end. For more information, visit their website

Richard Carr tried out the role but sadly didn't get through to the next round !!

History of a Town Crier

The role of a Town Crier dates back to the dawn of history. References can be found in the Bible, Quran, Torah and they are also visible in the Bayeux Tapestry of 1070.

In medieval times a Town Crier's role included policing, fire patrols and public hangings; but luckily today a loud voice, diction, stance and presence fulfill the role!

In history Town Criers would proclaim taxes, cost of produce, war announcements, bylaws, crimes, holidays, employment opportunities and many more important topics, to the gathering public.

It was the tradition that scrolled news was nailed to the post of the local Inn, to allow literate people to spread the word (hence the saying 'posting a notice').

Refreshingly, the new Town Crier of Buckingham will announce exciting events including pancake races, maypole dancing, live music and funfairs.

So put yourself forward and apply for the role of Buckingham's Town Crier. Let us keep the tradition going and proclaim to the world everything special about this beautiful market town and good people who dwell within its boundaries!

Roles and Responsibilities

The Town Crier represents Buckingham and its residents and is expected to maintain a high standard of appropriate behaviour and courtesy whilst on duty and is required to be clean, smart, sober, polite and jovial.

The Town Crier will be asked to attend all Buckingham Town Council civic events alongside the Mayor and Mace Bearer. They will also be expected to attend all major events in the Town and invited to perform cries throughout the year promoting various other events.

Upcoming events that the Town Crier will be invited to attend for 2023:

  • Monday 13th  March -  Commonwealth Day Flag Raising
  • Tuesday 2nd May - May Day Celebrations
  • Sunday 28th May- Music In The Market
  • Friday  2nd June - Mayor Making
  • Sunday 27th  August - Bandjam
  • Sunday 3rd  September - Merchant Navy Day Flag Raising (Date TBC)
  • Saturday 14th October - Charter Fair
  • Thursday 23rd November - Christmas Light Switch On
  • Saturday 16th December - Christmas Parade

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