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Emma Caldwell

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Organise a celebration event for VE Day's 80th anniversary

Applications for street parties due 21 March.

If you are planning to organise a celebration for VE Day’s 80th anniversary, Buckinghamshire Council are requesting applications for road closures for those parties.

If you're planning a street party or any other event on the public highway you will need to apply for a temporary road closure. A temporary closure means that all vehicles are kept out but the road is still open to pedestrians.

A large-scale event will require more paperwork as part of the applications including, a completed risk assessment, event management plan, site plan and proof of public liability insurance.

You do not need to submit an application if you hold a Street Meet, which typically takes place on a driveway, parking area, or front garden as it’s private land or at the end of a cul-de-sac, wide pavement or grass verge.

If you'd like to request an application form to host an event on the public highway and for a temporary road closure, email Deadline for applying is Friday 21 March 2025.

Once you have submitted your application the Council aims to respond within 2 to 3 weeks. Apply as soon as possible in case of a conflict.

The Council have waived the fees for when an application to host an event on a public highway and/or a temporary road closure is requested for a VE Day 80 street party being held between Monday 5 May (Early May Bank Holiday) to Sunday 11 May 2025 inclusive.

For more information about requirements, visit the Council’s website (external link)

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