Bucks council have announced they have put aside £569 Million towards major projects in the area as part of their Capital Programme for this year.
The Capital Programme is described as a budget for 'those major investments you save up for, like a house, rather than going food shopping every week', so the council expects the money spent on these issues will only be a one time thing.
A break down of the budget for major projects is
82.8m Roads
8.3m Pavements
9.5m Drainage
133m School Places
15.2m Leisure and Sport
40m Town Centre Regeneration
19.9m New Waste Vehicles
27.6m Housing
125m Strategic Infrastructure
As discussed in the cabinet's budget meeting last night, Leader of Bucks council Martin Tett hopes that spending money on major projects around bucks will kick start the economy and aid job recovery in the county.