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Prescription reminder ahead of August bank holiday

People across Buckinghamshire are being reminded to order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time for the long August weekend.

Some community pharmacies and all GP surgeries will be closed over the bank holiday weekend, so patients are being encouraged to order their repeat prescriptions as quickly as possible.  

You can order a repeat prescription through the NHS App. There is more information about how to get the App at Once set up, prescriptions can be sent by your GP practice directly to your local community pharmacy for collection or even delivery.

Many GP practices offer an online repeat prescription service via their websites, and patients who do not have online access can call their surgery to order their repeat medications.

Dr Abid Irfan, director of primary care at the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board, said: "Help yourself stay well over the August bank holiday by making sure you have enough of your medication to see you through. 

"It's best to order your usual medications well in advance, especially if you're going on holiday or to stay with family or friends. And you can also help by checking with more vulnerable family members, friends and neighbours that they have the medications they need.

"If you do run out of your medication, NHS 111 online can offer advice on how to get an emergency supply. But it's always best to be prepared by ordering ahead."

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