The Aylesbury in Bloom Garden Competition returns for 2023 and seeks gardeners of all abilities to enter.
Judges are rooting for residents, organisations, businesses and schools within the Parish of Aylesbury to start planning their plots and gardens in preparation for the warmer months.
Judging will take place in June, July and August. Entrants have a number of categories to choose from:
For residents – Front Garden, Back Garden, Container Garden/Hanging Baskets, Wildlife/Nature Garden, Edible Garden.
Young gardeners aged 4 to 16 years can enter any of the residents’ categories.
For schools – Recreational/Learning Garden, Garden in a Container, Wildlife Garden, Edible Garden
For businesses and organisations (inc. streets and community projects) – Communal Garden, Edible Communal Garden
All entrants will be awarded with a certificate or a bronze, silver, silver gilt or gold award. The judges will also give commendations as well as the Rose Bowl award to best overall garden in the residents’ class, the Mayor’s Cup to the overall winner of the best communal garden in organisations and businesses class and the Spade award will be given to the best overall winner in the schools’ class.
An award presentation night for residents and business/organisations categories will take place on Thursday 21 September 2023. The awards for the Schools categories will be announced on Thursday 22 June 2023.
The competition is supported by Michael Anthony Estate Agents and is free to enter. Applications must be completed by Friday 19 May. The online form can be found here: https://bit.ly/BloomEntry23
For more information, including terms and conditions, application form and judging criteria visit https://bit.ly/AylesburyBloom23, call 01296 425 678 or email info@aylesburytowncouncil.gov.uk.