Residents give a massive thumbs up to the Stoke Mandeville Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan.
During the summer Stoke Mandeville Parish Council published its draft Neighbourhood Plan and asked residents to review and comment on it.
Out of nearly 200 responses received, the Plan was supported by 86% of the residents.
In particular the plans for a new Parish Centre and preserving green space to the west and south of the Parish were particularly well received.
The summary of the consultation can be found on their website (www.stokemandevilleparishcouncil.org.uk).
Now they have the full backing of our residents they can finalize the Plan, it will then be externally examined and voted on in a referendum. If approved, the Plan will play an important part in guiding future planning decisions on development, conservation and all other areas around the Parish.
For more information contact :
A Neighbourhood Plan for Stoke Mandeville
c/o Stoke Mandeville Parish Council
Community Centre, Eskdale Road
Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5UJ
Telephone: 01296 613888
Email: clerk@stokemandeville-pc.gov.uk
Website: www.stokemandevilleparishcouncil.org.uk
Twitter @parishstoke
Facebook @stokemandevillepc