Council urges drivers to be respectful of the vital work carried out by school crossing patrollers.
Known commonly as lollipop men and women, Buckinghamshire's 60 school crossing patrollers are on duty come rain or shine, morning and afternoon during school term time, wielding their trusty STOP signs to help children and adults reach school safely. While most drivers are respectful and stop when requested, a small minority can be abusive and put lives at risk with dangerous manoeuvres, as they refuse to stop to allow safe crossings.
Since the start of the school year in 2021 to November 2024, there have been 39 reported incidents. Of these, four were injury incidents, 29 were near misses, and the remainder were verbal incidents. However, it is expected numbers are higher than this, as patrollers don't report every incident, despite encouragement.
School crossing patrollers have a legal right to stop traffic for anyone who needs help crossing the road. They have the same authority as a police officer to stop traffic. Failing to stop when a school crossing patrol displays the stop sign is an offence that can result in a £1,000 fine, three penalty points, and disqualification. Failing to stop puts vulnerable road users at risk and patrollers are instructed to report any driver who fails to stop to the police, which could lead to prosecution.
Instances of dangerous behaviour include drivers using abusive language, failing to stop when the patroller is already in the road, and swerving around patrollers to get past. Drivers also make patrollers' jobs more difficult by blocking pavements and stopping or parking inconsiderately to drop off children, especially at School Keep Clear markings and bus stops.
Steven Broadbent, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transport at Buckinghamshire Council, said: "Our lollipop men and women play an invaluable role in our local school communities and are deeply appreciated by both pupils and parents.
"While most drivers are considerate, there is a minority who disregard the Highway Code and potentially endanger lives. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any behaviour that threatens the physical or mental wellbeing of our crossing patrollers or compromises road safety.
"We hope that the community continues to support their local patrollers in carrying out their duties safely. Drivers must be patient and considerate—it only takes a few seconds to ensure everyone crosses the road safely." "
Drivers are being reminded when approaching a school:
- Slow down when you see a patrol warning sign or flashing lights and be prepared to stop.
- Stop when the patrol is displaying the stop sign.
- Be patient and do not move forward.
- Do not park where the patrol works, on zig-zag lines, or other areas with parking restrictions.
To report any incidents involving School Crossing Patrollers, residents are asked to contact:
- Aylesbury Vale and Wycombe (West) - Corinne Randall on 01296 383 432
- Chiltern & South Bucks and Wycombe (East) - Nigel Rosier on 01296 382608