A stream off the River Chess in Chesham has been cleared of rubbish and debris after flooding earlier this month.
A team of 20 volunteers cleaned up a short stretch of the Chess’s backstream by the children’s playground on Moor Road.
The clean-up comes after the area around Moor Road was hit by floods following heavy rain on July 6 and 7.
Chesham Town Council thanked all the volunteers involved in ‘improving habitats’ at the site this week, including Chesham Environmental Group and the River Chess Association.
The Chesham Environmental Group said in a statement: “It was wonderful to have some new volunteers with us – some of whom were local residents that then make us a cuppa to end the session!”
The group’s second working party of four in July aimed to achieve several goals, including clearing dead wood debris, silt and rubbish in the backstream that was ‘severely restricting the flow’.
It also aimed to get rid of excess vegetation like water iris and overhanging branches that were stopping sunlight reaching the water.
The group also aimed to repair a bank controlling flow in a separate channel used as overflow during periods of high water levels, as well as carry out its regular litter pick in the area.