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Andy Green

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Ten more people die with Covid in Bucks but cases continue to fall

The latest Covid-19 data for Buckinghamshire shows that reported new infections are continuing to decline.

There have been 3,907 positive tests in the past week – a 32% reduction on the same period a week ago.

The region’s case rate per 100,000 people has dropped to 714.2.

Sadly though, 10 more people have been reported to have died with Covid-19 in Buckinghamshire in the last seven days.

65.4% of those eligible in Buckinghamshire have now had their booster shot, which experts say is critical for fighting the new variant. This is roughly in line with the overall UK figure of 65.9%.

The advice from the NHS to avoid catching or spreading Covid-19 remains as follows:

-              Get vaccinated against COVID-19

-              Meet people outside if possible

-              Open doors and windows to let in fresh air if meeting people inside

-              Limit the number of people you meet

-              Avoid crowded places

-              Wear a face mask in shops, on public transport and other crowded indoor spaces

-              Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser regularly

Anyone who develops one of the three main Covid-19 symptoms - a new cough, a high temperature or a loss of taste or smell - should stay at home, self-isolate and take a PCR test.

Please click here or call 119 to book a Covid-19 vaccination.

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