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The Florence Nightingale Charity Shop in Winslow is celebrating World Book Day 2022!

If you pop into the shop in your World Book Day costumes, you can claim a FREE book and enter their Alice Wordsearch for a chance to win a bundle of books.

Florence Nightingale’s Hospice Charity Shop in Winslow has decorated its windows to mark the 25thanniversary of World Book Day on Thursday 3 March 2022.  This year’s book week window is all things Alice in Wonderland, you can find Alice, the Cheshire cat, the Queen of Hearts and even the dormouse!

Rachel, Assistant Shop Manager says, “Alice in Wonderland is my favourite book, so it was great fun for me to be able to dress our Shop window to celebrate the 25th World Book Day”.

All the items in their window will be released for sale on World Book Day itself but you can still pop in and grab some amazing tea party worthy bargains, along with LOADS of books. 

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