Are you worried about scam calls, or not sure who to trust on the phone?
Well,The Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust is providing residents with scam training to help recognise and avoid scam calls.
Caroline Drew, who is Community Engagement Business Partner at the Trust, told Bucks Radio how they have been working with residents to help them:
"We've been working hard to provide the tools and knowledge for residents to feel confident in handing these calls and scams.
"We've been working with our partners to run informal sessions for residents to come along and find out how they can identify a scam, keep their personal information safe and learn what to do if they believe they have been scammed. Our staff also receive scam training and support residents in their homes."
If you or someone you know would benefit from the training you can get in touch with the Aylesbury Vale housing trust, email to let them know your interest.