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University of Oxford after Bucks residents for research into heart disease

The University need residents who are over 55 and who already have a heart problem - a heart attack, stroke, or operation to unblock or bypass an artery to their legs

The research will aim find new treatments that can lower cholesterol effectively, reducing the current statistic that Heart Disease kills around one in four people in the UK

The study, called ORION-4, is investigating a treatment called inclisiran, which is given as an injection under the skin.

Study lead Professor Louise Bowman from Oxford Population Health explained. ‘

‘Although having a good diet and taking statins can help lower ‘bad’ cholesterol, sometimes these are not enough to lower a person’s risk of heart disease’

So we are investigating whether a new injection could lower bad cholesterol more effectively. It also has the advantage that it only needs to be taken twice a year.’

Those who volunteer to take part will be asked to stay in the study for five years if possible.

Each participant will be randomly allocated by a computer to receive either inclisiran or a placebo (dummy) treatment. To make the results as reliable as possible, neither the doctor nor the participants will know whether they get inclisiran or the placebo. Inclisiran has been approved as a safe treatment for use in the UK, and is already available to lower cholesterol in some people who have experienced a heart attack or stroke under certain circumstances.

Participants will be asked to attend three appointments in the first five months, and then once every six months after that. At each appointment, participants will have a blood sample taken and receive an injection of either inclisiran or the placebo treatment. Appointments can be taken locally at Wycombe Hospital. 

‘If you choose to take part, and the study finds that inclisiran is effective, you could be helping to prevent millions of people around the world from having heart attacks, strokes and bypass operations each year. But of course, taking part is completely voluntary’ said Professor Bowman.

You can find out more about the study on its website:

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