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Views wanted as Aylesbury Orbital road comes one step closer

Bucks Council has revealed plans for Phase 2 of the South East Aylesbury Link Road (SEALR)

SEALR Phase 2 is a new project that will deliver an additional 450m of new dual carriageway and a roundabout to the west of the original SEALR. This new roundabout will connect the SEALR Phase 2 with the Stoke Mandeville Relief Road and the proposed South West Aylesbury Link Road.

The original SEALR, connecting the A413 Wendover Road and the B4443 Lower Road, will now be delivered as a 'Phase 1' of the SEALR project.

Phase 2 of the SEALR was originally planned to be built by HS2 as part of the Stoke Mandeville Relief Road. This original design would have been built just as a single carriageway with no roundabout to connect to the proposed South West Aylesbury Link Road. Buckinghamshire Council will therefore provide this by building Phase 2 as a dual carriageway with the new roundabout. This will help to prevent Phase 2 from becoming a pinch point and prevent any future disruption from the need to retrofit a roundabout.

Bucks Council say the construction of the entire Aylesbury Orbital Link Road is a priority for them, to help reduce congestion within Aylesbury.

Nick Naylor, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: "We are keen to avoid disruption in the future so delivering this infrastructure now will be a saving for residents. This will also ensure we deliver the infrastructure required for the full Aylesbury Orbital."

Buckinghamshire Council Leader Martin Tett said: "The orbital route around Aylesbury has been a priority for many years. Nevertheless, we want to keep consulting with residents to ensure that we are getting each section of this right."

The council are now inviting residents to make their views known through an online consultation which ends on the 26th February 2021.

To support the consultation the council will be hosting a live Question and Answer session over Microsoft Teams from 1800-1930 on the 15th February 2021. This will feature a presentation from council staff and will give an opportunity to ask questions about the SEALR Phase 2 project.

If you wish to join the Question and Answer session, you can email requesting that they send you an email invite and also raise any questions you wish answered.


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