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Vintage Vehicle show at Thame's Adwell Estate is tomorrow

The Adwell Estate in Thame is holding its first Vintage Vehicle Show in aid of the Rose Paterson Trust tomorrow! (4/7)

Some very fancy cars, motorbikes, bicycles and tractors will be one show, as well as food stalls, ice cream, a bouncy castle and other attractions. It should be a great day out for all the family, and the grounds at Adwell House are a stunning place to hold this event.

If people are not so interested in the vintage vehicles they will have a great opportunity to look round the gardens which should be looking stunning at the beginning of July.

The show will open at 2.00 pm and close at 6.00 pm. 

Entrance is £5 per exhibitor and £5 per person. Under 12’s are free.

Tickets can be pre booked online through although people will be able to buy tickets on the gate as well.


This year money raised from the show is going towards the Rose Paterson Trust. Rose Paterson, who was a great friend of Adwell Estate Owners Tom and Imogen Birch Reynardson, took her life in June last year.

Following her death her husband Owen and her family set up the Rose Paterson Trust in her memory in order to support research into suicide and to back charities which are helping prevent suicides.


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