The competition was launched to entice people to the Wendover Canal during the autumn and winter.
Robbie Cumming, tv personality, vlogger and patron of the Wendover Canal Trust (WCT) has chosen the three winners of the Trust’s photography competition.
The competition was launched to entice people to the Wendover Canal during the autumn and winter. We invited pictures that capture the different scenes of the of the Wendover Canal whether wildlife, the landscapes or people using the canal and towpath.
Said Robbie: “It was difficult to single out winners but I liked the one I chose first because it captures the canal from a slightly unfamiliar angle which makes it stand out. It’s also crisply edited to enhance the detail in the icy scene. Well done to all, though.There were some excellent submissions.”
The winner of the competition with a £100 prize is Alun Morgan from Princes Risborough;
Second is Charlotte Borrill, from Linslade, who wins £50,
and third place with a £25 prize goes to Stephen Smith of Watford.