Virtual Aylesbury Duck Race 2024
The Virtual Aylesbury Duck Race is back for 2024, with your chance to win £200 and a years membership to Aqua Vale Gym.
Just pick the plucky ducky you think will reign supreme, and you the cash and membership could be yours. You can see all the ducks, and their sponsors, below. Will you pick one because you've used the company in the past? Or maybe because of a lucky number, or the name makes you giggle? Choose wisely though, as you are only allowed to pick one duck*
Duck 25 - Hale Leys Comet
Sponsored by Hale Leys Shopping Centre
Ducks 21 - GK Plucky Ducky
Sponsored by GK Plumbing & Heating
Duck 5 - Secure to the End
Sponsored by UK Security Group
Duck 8 - Finance Quacker
Sponsored by Tracer Finance
Duck 7 - Travel Quack
Sponsored by Maggie Bush, Personal Travel Counsellor
Duck 11 - Quacking Floor Care
Sponsored by IGroup Services
Duck 9 - Quacky Chan
Sponsored by Herd Van Hire
Duck 33 - Quackers for Alpacas
Sponsored by Animal Antiks
Duck 24 - The Peri Peri Chick
Sponsored by Women's Wellbeing
Duck 15 - Lawra
Sponsored by Horwood & James
Duck 14 - Return of the Quack
Sponsored by Stay & Play Aylesbury
Duck 29 - Cheese & Quackers
Sponsored by The Five Elms (Weedon)
Duck 17 - Quack Quack Mow
Sponsored by Dave's Lawn Care
Duck 35 - Toilet Duck
Sponsored by Adroit Services
Duck 34 - How 'Denzel'
Sponsored by Howden Insurance
Duck 4 - Diamond Duck
Sponsored by Aylesbury Bullion
Duck 18 - Napoli Navigator
Sponsored by Lorenzo's Pizzeria
Duck 32 - Inky
Sponsored by Print World
Duck 16 - Ducking Bankers
Sponsored by Discovery Mortgages ( Wendover)
Duck 36 - Tour De Duck
Sponsored by WheelPower
Duck 22 - Smasher Duck
Sponsored by Smashing Windows
Duck 3 - Motts Mallard
Sponsored by Motts Travel
Duck 31 - Quick Quack
Sponsored by HMA Creative
Duck 27 - Fire Quacker
Sponsored by Dynamic Digital Marketing
Duck 26 - Howe-ard the duck
Sponsored by Howes the Florist
Duck 10 - Captain Hook - a - Duck
Sponsored by Aylesbury Waterside Theatre
Duck 28 - Lushus Duckus
Sponsored by Pebble Marketing
Duck 1 - James Pond
Sponsored by Goldseal
Duck 23 - Camera Sutra
Sponsored by Revamped Photography
Duck 30 - Moby Duck
Sponsored by MD Autocare
Duck 13 - Friars Duck
Sponsored by Smashing Windows
Duck 12 - Trucker Ducker
Sponsored by Aylesbury Logistics
Duck 6 - Ella Mallarday
Sponsored by Ella Halliday HR
Duck 19 - Radley Rubber Ducky
Sponsored by Radley Windows and Doors
Duck 2 - The Duck of Learning
Sponsored by Kip McGrath
Duck 20 - K9
Sponsored by Cornerstone Canine Training
Links to EXTERNAL websites.
*T&C's :The prize is £200 cash, plus an annual fitness membership at Aquavale, Aylesbury, for 1 person. No cash alternative is available to the membership or lessons. In the event of more than 1 person backing the winning Duck, a draw will take place to find the winner of the prize. Only 1 entry will be accepted per email address, but multiply entries from the same household address are allowed. The race will be available to watch on & our Facebook page on Wednesday 15th May 2024 (Bucks Radio may change the race date if necessary) Entries close at 00:00 on Tuesday 14th May 2024. Standard Bucks Radio t&c's apply.